Adam's SEO Article Briefs Subscription Service

Upon signing up, what happens next?

  1. You immediately receive a short questionnaire for completion.
  2. You can either request target keywords or we can deliver keyword research.
  3. We send a list of article topic ideas (and target keywords) to you for approval.
  4. We send the article briefs over 30 days via Google Docs.
Each brief includes the following data:

  • Suggested word count based on competing pages
  • Average word count of article intros (top pages)
  • Keywords mentioned in every article intro (top pages)
  • H2 subheader word count of top page
  • Number of images used on top page
  • Most used keywords on top page
  • Suggested H2/H3 subheaders
  • Google's People Also Ask questions
  • Suggested blog article URL structure
You can view an optimized article brief sample here.

In the initial questionnaire, you will be asked if you have any blog article topic ideas. If you don't, we can take the lead and identify the best topic ideas for your domain and target audience.

Please read the FAQ document, email me, or book a call if you have any questions.
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